Friday, January 30, 2009

My Background with the Government

Honestly I'm not very involved with our government nor have I ever been. In fact I have very little knowledge on our government. I'm aware of the "major" or what I consider "major" things... such as who is the president and the fact that we have SEVERAL men/women in Iraq/Afganistan. Which I TOTALLY do not agree with. Well... I am taking this class because it is a requirement for my degree. I hope to gain A LOT more knowledge about our government in this class as well as obtain at least a B! After completing the political ideology I'm considered a "Disadvantaged Democrat". I don't completely agree with that. Democrat, yeah ok... but I'm not "poor" as it was insinuating. I just want what's best for those who are less fortunate and I'm obviously totally against war. So I believe the questions they asked led to a false analysis on who I am.

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