Friday, March 27, 2009

make it rain bills... NOT

So... President Obama stated on Friday that he plans on "giving" Pakistan 1.5 BILLION dollars per year, for the next five years! He implies it is for Pakistan to build better roads, schools and to build a wall separating Pakistan from Afghanistan. WOW, Where do I even start...? We, the citizens of the United States have our own financial issues regarding education. We have slums and ghettos with a horrible education systems. That 1.5 billion could go a loooonng way in positively influencing our education system. In the long run it could even boost our financial issues, with more citizens receiving a higher education. There are many roads here in America that are falling apart. I'm sure everyone heard of the bridge that collapsed during rush hour, over the Mississippi river during August of 2007. Moving on... a wall to separate Pakistan and Afghanistan? I'm in no shape or form racist, but c'mon now... a river is not stopping Mexicans from entering the United States so what makes President Obama believe a wall will stop Afghanistan's from entering Pakistan. All in all I think giving away 1.5 billion dollars per year, for five years to Pakistan is money horrible spent. We can do better!!